Wow! Its been a long time since I started this blog. I havent had access to my desk top computer and have been using my phone for internet. Its a bit slow and wouldnt let me on wordpress until now.
There has been a lot of change since I initiated this blog that I didnt get to keep up on. I will try to catch up so those who choose to follow along dont feel lost.

please excuse typos, I cannot see the screen as I type. I have to wonder if its only my phone that does this or if they are all like this, if so… Its a wonder anyone would deal with the phone typing inconveinences to blog at all.

Have a great day for now. I must go milk Pearl, do a bit of teaching, and go to town and talk to the folks that run the local food co-op and hopefully get a few more things done around the farm today to get as ready for rain that just never seems to come this year.